I'm working on the Adobe Sign team in San Jose! Previously, I've interned with the startup TaggiD remotely and with Google and WalmartLabs in Sunnyvale!
At Cornell University, I earned my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with a minor in Information Sciences (with a UX Concentration!) as well as my Masters of Engineering in Computer Science. I also earned my Associate of Arts degree at Miami-Dade College.
I've always been curious about my field and others. I've picked up a bit of cooking by watching Binging with Babish videos on YouTube and I am trying to become fluent in Spanish. With the addition of ProRAW on iOS 14, I'm also interested in taking up iPhone photography and learning proper photo editing techniques.
In the Spring of 1997 I became the first-born of my two wonderful parents, immigrants from the island nation of Dominica. Being born and raised in South Miami really helped shaped me into the person I am today. However, it was the carpentry work of my father that inspired me to become a creator.
Photo by Ryan Parker on Unsplash
I was a student in the Robotics Academy at TERRA Environmental Research Institute, but after 2 years, I found myself pursuing an opportunity more in line with my goals at the School for Advanced Studies (SAS) where I was able to also earn my Associate of Arts degree at Miami-Dade College. To keep my creative spirit alive, I became one of the founding members of the FIRST Robotics team (Team 5329) at SAS. My experiences with the team really helped inform my decisions around how I wanted to navigate higher education.
In 2015 I enrolled in Cornell University's College of Engineering, deciding to study Computer Science in my second year. I've been a TA for Artificial Intelligence as well as both of the Introductory and the Intermediate levels of our Web Development courses and the Data-Driven Web Applications course. I was the Marketing Director for the BigRed//Hacks Hackathon Organizing team. I was also a member of the Underrepresented Minorities in Computing organization and the Association of Computer Science Undergrads.
Since Sophomore year, I've spent every summer in the Bay Area doing Software Engineering Internship work. In 2017 I was a Mobile Engineering Intern for WalmartLabs where I built a mobile app in Electrode Native (an expansion of the React Native framework). In 2018 I worked on Walmart's International team, doing backend work on their Google Assistant app for the grocery chain ASDA. In 2019, I performed data visualization and analysis in Python for one of Google's hardware teams. In 2020, I worked on the Software Engineering team at the startup TaggiD where I was a Full-Stack Engineer on the React Native app for iOS.
In my final semester of undergrad, I elected to begin an early admit Masters of Engineering (M.Eng) degree. This gave me the ability to complete my M.Eng in one extra semester. I crafted my experience in this degree to focus on the Software Engineering topics I found most interesting in undergrad; Data-Driven Software Applications and the Human-Centered Design process. I also served as a Graduate Teaching Research Specialist for the Computing and Global Development course and was a Teaching Associate for the Ethics in New Media, Technology, and Communication course after I graduated.
I'm a Full Stack Web Developer at Adobe on the Adobe Sign team! I'm excited to be taking this next step in my career, working with a fantastic team as I begin my post-academia adventure with Adobe Document Cloud.
I can also be reached over e-mail at justinshillingford@pm.me!